Document Control and
Regulation Compliance
Across Industry Sectors


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International legislation surrounding the supply and delivery of Safety Data Sheets and exposure scenarios has increased dramatically in recent years. New chemical and hazardous substances regulations being introduced across continents and countries worldwide, are including the requirement to;-

  • Ensure that your customers are supplied with Safety Data Sheets, exposure scenarios and other critical safety information, often with a requirement to actually deliver, rather than simply sending these documents.

  • Ensure that all personnel within your own organization, that may come into contact with hazardous materials, are also provided with the most current (M)SDS, exposure scenarios etc.

Chemical companies and downstream users world-wide must now consider not only how they can maintain compliance but also how they demonstrate compliance, and how can they prove their compliance should any legal action arise.

Are you really compliant with email or post? Email and post do not monitor the status and confirm successful delivery of the Safety Data Sheets and do not guarantee or record proof of delivery and both incur significant time and costs in administration and management. And there are no audit capabilities, sufficient to demonstrate compliance or to provide protection in the event of legal action.




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REACH Delivery International is a member of the Mpower1 Group of Companies